AnxietyA new year for a new you

A new year for a new you

A new year for a new you

This year, beyond many of the past few years , has the opportunity for bringing an enormous and radical change into the lives of many. Astrologically, it is seen in the heavens, and in my guidance from Source, I am getting the information that it is an absolutely pivotal time in our journey as earth beings.

Some key statements coming to me from Source and other awakening teachers are…. The rise of the Lightworker ( Lee Harris), the return to Love as the guiding force on the planet, the return of what are known as The Bird Tribes, (see Peter Cary’s book, The Return of the Bird Tribes), and the potential to live as earth Beings as we were originally meant to before what is called the fall from grace. In other words, the ability to relish this experience as a human being, free ourselves from the trauma of the past, and become Homo Spiritus, or Homo Luminous. This, dear friends, is what we came for when we first embarked on this journey into physicality.

Joy is the name of the game, my Guides tell me. And indeed to live in joy, we must first release the density of past trauma and shadow. This inner work, which is not just from this lifetime, but from our many other alternate life experiences, is held in our bodies, both physical and emotional, and can sometimes hold us in the illusion that the human life is all about suffering. This is not the case, and this time, beyond any other, is the opportunity for healing this shadow within ourselves.

To me, it feels monumental, a sense of joyous homecoming. After many years on the journey to wholeness, the Light is truly shining on the horizon.

Support for your journey is here. I find a daily tarot card can help to point me in the right direction for the day, and sometimes a guided meditation with one of my many ‘go to’ people. Jennifer Ruth Russell has some wonderful morning meditations, the Daily Calm app. with Jay Shetty or one of the other presenters is a great simple start to the day also.

Hold firm in the awareness, that all is not as it appears to be. We are in for some truly wonderful treats as life moves forward.

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