Counselling, Mt Martha, Mornington Peninsula
We all need some help at times, me included. Recently, we made a huge life direction shift to relocate to Mt Martha on the Mornington Peninsula. This was with the extended family of aging husband, daughter and 2 young grandsons. The interesting thing about it was that when I was able to be in the flow of it all, everything unfolded in perfect timing. When my fear and anxiety took hold, I became frozen. These were the times I realised my personality/ego was trying to be in charge, rather than allowing Source or True Presence to simply guide me to the next step. What I am trying to say here is that it takes practice and courage to allow our higher self to run the show. Ego has been uppermost for eons, and it’s almost like learning a new language, the language of the Soul, to reach the point of not letting our ego mind be in charge. So on this topic, I have worked with many clients to enable them to access this Awareness based operating system, identify when the mind is taking charge and assist them to trust and follow that intuitive inner guidance. This supports all areas of life including Counselling and guidance with relationships, making life direction decisions, dealing with issues around parenting and much more. One of the key tools in this is connecting with our Soul or Guides through different techniques, including automatic writing and kinesiology. I can thoroughly recommend discovering these abilities.