AnxietyCounselling, Life direction, Source and Soul.

Counselling, Life direction, Source and Soul.

Counselling, Life direction, Source and Soul.

Source Counselling is what I want in my life. Counselling and life direction which originates from Source/God/All That Is. This is what I offer clients and what I call for in my own life as the fuel for my own healing and work. When I uncover what is truly behind the issues that present, I know I can fully heal that aspect of myself  across all time, space, dimensions and realities. I have done many healing programs that are based from the ego/mind structure, all of which have been useful and have released trauma to a degree. However, it is when I  trust Source fully, interact with my Higher self and guides, and follow fully the guidance that I receive that deep true Soul healing occurs. I may interact with clients who are not resonant with this approach, but this is not necessarily an issue as long as I am coming from a place of truth and integrity. Healing occurs! It can seem magical to some, and often will be an opening for them to consciously begin to tread their own spiritual/psychological journey. I particularly like to work with clients in issues around relationships, financial issues, healing of past trauma and at times when people are looking at their life direction.

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